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2008/7/7 11:14:05 编辑:城市网 来源:网上收集
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  1.I love to talk about films because I like going to the cinema as a hobby.
  2.The most intriguing film I have ever seen is a film based on a detective story.
  3.The plot of the film is very attractive and the actors and actresses performed well in it.
  4.I guess this film is deeply rooted in my memory because I like the ending, which is very thought provoking.
  5.Well, as far as I’m able to judge, I consider ‘Rain Man’ to be the best movie I have ever seen.
  6.In my opinion, I always regard the film ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ as my favorite because I like the leading actresses.
  7.It’s the kind of moive that can make you laugh with tears in your eyes.
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